Hanon in 60 Seconds

Improve your piano technique much more quickly than with the old Hanon.

These exercises are designed to bring your fingers into the world of the virtuoso pianist without the hours of the old Hanon & Czerny, so you can spend more time playing beautiful music on the piano.

Researcher Eugen Tarnow, with a Ph.D. from MIT, presents the ultimate in efficient piano practice in about 60 seconds a day (consisting of just a single page).

Accomplish the same as your friends in much less time!

The price for version 2.0 is only $3.00.

Send $3 via Venmo to etpiano and I will email you the pdf file.

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Customer feedback:

"Bravo! and maravilloso! on your Hanon in 60 Seconds! I purchased it from Sheet Music Plus and my daughter began using it about a week ago. Last night I heard her playing it and the word "torrent" came to my mind."

Fascinating stuff- thank you!